Reporting & Fixed Assets
The Reporting and Fixed Assets Department is a unit of the Controller’s Office responsible for internal and external financial reporting as well as fixed asset and fiscal year-end capital project accounting. The reporting and fixed asset team serves the university through the coordination and preparation of the annual financial statements and other internal and external financial reports; management of the year-end accrual process and annual financial statement audit; oversight of the University’s financial fixed assets and coordination of the annual property inventory process; oversight of the Internal Control Self-Assessment process; and thorough response to internal and external reporting and fixed asset inquiries.
Email: – Account code and/or general financial reporting inquiries – Fixed asset forms and/or general fixed asset inquiries
Fax: 704-687-1450
Reporting & Fixed Assets Information
- Help with Expense account codes and other Chart of Accounts questions is available in the Reporting & Fixed Assets Resources block to the right. You will find a listing of Expense account codes as well as a document containing descriptions for the various Expense accounts.
- Check out the Fixed Assets Guide Book (see link in Reporting & Fixed Assets Resources block to the right) which contains fixed assets policies, procedures, useful web links, and contact information.
- Also, check out the link to the University of North Carolina (UNC) System’s Business Process Standards (BPS) for Capital Assets. The purpose of these standards is to ensure that university assets are properly acquired, accounted for, maintained and disposed of while maintaining consistency throughout the UNC System.
- The Reporting & Fixed Assets Department is an authorized approver of fixed asset account codes in the 49er Mart e-procurement system. Fixed asset account codes are included in the Expense account code resources referred to in the first bullet above
- FAQs on account code use and Fixed Assets can be found at You can search for a specific FAQ by entering keywords in the search box, or you can browse through categories such as “Expense Account Codes” or “Fixed Assets.”

Reporting & Fixed Assets Resources
Manuals – Guides – Procedures
- Choosing Account Codes in ARCHIBUS
- Construction Projects: Asset Categories and Other Guidance
- Expense Account Code Descriptions
- Expense Account Code List
- Financial Statement Audit Reports
- Fixed Assets Guide Book
- Fixed Assets Training
- Guide to Querying Fixed Asset Info in Banner
- Internal Controls Training
- Inventory Coordinators List
- Pilferable Assets Template