Inventory Control & Surplus Property
UNC Charlotte Inventory Control & Surplus Property (ICSP) is part of Materials Management and is located on the north side of campus at 9647 Poplar Lane, Charlotte, NC 28223 (click here for directions and a printable map).
Inventory Control is responsible for maintaining a complete and accurate inventory of all equipment purchased at an initial cost of $5,000 or more. All location changes, disposal, or loss of equipment should be reported to Inventory Control staff so that appropriate action can be taken and records updated. Staff are responsible for disposing of surplus materials in accordance with the rules and regulations of both the State of North Carolina and the University. Surplus property that may be used at a later date by departments on campus is stored in the Warehouse, and discarded surplus property will be sold via public auction in accordance with the rules of the State
ICSP also performs the recycling of surplus electronic components as required by University and North Carolina State laws.
Departments are expected to maintain accurate records relating to assets belonging to and surplused from their department. Although ICSP makes every effort to keep accurate and up to date files on surplus assets, the ultimate responsibility lies with departments to have an asset record on hand, or approved paperwork verifying it was transferred to ICSP. If faculty and staff have concerns or questions regarding proper procedures and policies, call John Cashion at 704-687-0374.
Learn more about title requirements for the disposition of golf carts and utility vehicles.
Available Surplus Inventory
Open house daily from 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the surpluse warehouse for faculty and staff to view and request surplus inventory for departmental use. If you have any questions or would like to view an item call Cindy Shores (704-687-1299) or John Cashion (704-687-0374).