
Business Update Forum

Business update forum Join us as various subject matter experts from Business Affairs and the Office of OneIT provide updates and guidance for navigating the University’s financial and related administrative processes. Planned changes or enhancements to existing processes and systems are also discussed. These sessions are open to UNC Charlotte staff and faculty. Upcoming Forum […]

Security Incidents

Please remember that all security incidents must be immediately reported to your supervisor, who must immediately take action to determine the extent and category of the breach to minimize loss of sensitive data. The chart below indicates other parties that must be notified when a breach occurs. Refer to UNC Charlotte UNC Charlotte Policy Statement […]

Requirements for Payment Card Processing

If you are considering the possibility of accepting payment cards as a method to collect revenues for your University department or unit, e.g., for merchandise sales, event registration, or other University-related revenues, you should become familiar with the UNC Charlotte Payment (Credit/Debit) Card Processing Standard and the UNC Charlotte Payment (Credit/Debit) card Processing Procedures. Below […]

Bank of America Works

Bank of America Works The Works application is a web-based, user-friendly electronic card payment management service that automates, streamlines, and integrates existing payment authorization and reconciliation processes while providing management reporting & spending controls. Last Updated: December 8, 2014

Contract Checklist

Contract Review Workflow Contract Checklist Displays the Contract Checklist Flowchart Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Construction Projects: Asset Categories and Other Guidance

Capital Asset Category Guide Purpose: Guidance on Capitalizable Construction Projects Last Updated: November 13, 2014

Procedures for Scholarship/Fellowship Payment to a Foreign National

Procedures for Scholarship/Fellowship Payment to a Foreign National Purpose: Describes how to process scholarship and fellowship payments made to a foreign national person. Examples of these types of payment may include but are not limited to the following: qualified scholarships for tuition; nonqualified scholarships for living expenses; travel award. Contact Email: Last Updated: April […]

Petty Cash/Change Fund Procedures

Petty Cash/Change Fund Procedures Procedures for Petty Cash and Change Fund at UNC Charlotte. Last Updated: February 7, 2022

Internal Controls Training

Internal Controls training presentation Purpose: To provide a brief training on Internal Controls at UNC Charlotte. Contact Wardell Kerson, Senior Accountant, for further information on internal controls. Last Updated: April 6, 2023

Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance Presentation

Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance Training on Nonresident Alien Tax Compliance Last Updated: February 22, 2017