
Stipends, How to Pay

See How to Pay Students and/or How to Pay Individuals guides. For additional questions, consult with the Tax Office. Last Updated: January 10, 2017

Computers, Printers & Accessories – How to Procure and Pay

Payment method Use 49er Mart to purchase computers, printers or related accessories. Note: Purchase of Apple products from the Niner Tech Computer Store. Refer to the Niner Tech website instructions. All computer and printer purchases must abide by the Guideline for Security of Endpoints. Requests for exceptions to this guideline may be submitted to the […]

Subscriptions, How to Pay

Payment method The preferred method for paying for subscriptions to professional journals, other periodicals and electronic surveys is to use a University-issued Purchasing Card (p-card). Other allowable methods include: Rationale and Other Considerations The costs associated with subscriptions to professional journals, magazines, other periodicals and surveys is an allowable expense on a p-card. Because the […]

Consulting Services, How to Procure and Pay

Definition: Consulting services are services provided by a contractor who is not actively involved in the process being studied, but rather provides expert, outside insight or advisory services about how to complete a task or perform it more efficiently. They possess specialized knowledge, experience, expertise, or professional qualifications that make them ideally suited to provide […]

Supplies and Equipment, How to Procure and Pay

Payment method: The method for purchasing supplies and equipment is to use 49er Mart. Rationale and other considerations: Orders are processed online through a web browser depending on the type of supplier used. To begin, choose a supplier and proceed with selecting items and placing them in your virtual shopping cart. When you have finished […]

Floral Arrangements, How to Procure and Pay

Payment method: If the purchase of floral arrangements is allowable as outlined in the policies referenced below, the preferred method for purchasing floral arrangements is to use a University-issued Purchasing Card (P-card). The purchase must be under the card limit and must not conflict with any contractual agreement. Other allowable methods include: Note: Refer to […]

Fuel for Vehicle, How to Pay

Payment method: When traveling on University business in a rental car or Department-owned vehicle, the preferred method for purchasing fuel for a vehicle is to use a University-issued Purchasing Card (P-card). Note: If the University Owned vehicle has a gas card, that card should be used first. If there is no University gas card, then […]

Gift Cards/Gift Certificates, How to Pay

General requirements: All purchases of gift cards/gift certificates (of non-negotiable amounts) must have a valid, documented business purpose as outlined in the policies referenced below, and must comply with all University purchasing and expense procedures. Gift card payment methods: Purchasing card (p-card): The preferred method for purchasing gift cards is to use a University-issued Purchasing […]

Goods and Services Already Provided, How to Pay

Payment method: Complete an Electronic Check Request (eCR) Form within 49er Mart to request payment for goods or services that have already been provided and were not obtained through the issuance of a purchase order. Note: eCRs cannot be created for employees or students. Please submit reimbursement for employees and students on an Employee & […]

Hotel and Lodging, How to Pay

Payment method The preferred method for prepaying for hotel and lodging expenses associated with University-related travel is to use a University-issued Purchasing Card (P-card). A Travel Reimbursement and Expense Report can also be submitted. Refer to University Policy 601.8, Appropriate Use of University Funds, to confirm if this is a permissible use of funds for […]